Monday 13 August 2012


Hello everyone!
Cherry Blossom Blogshop is a blogshop that sells many unique items at reasonably cheap and affordable prices! 
We will try our best to bring in items if they can't be found in our collection! :D
As I am still a student, I may not check this blogshop as often as others can, but I will try my best!
Also, sometimes if I can't put in orders in time, do not blame me, as I may be busy studying D;
Many of the items in my shop are preorders, with the exception of some, which I will mention are in stocks :D
Normal waiting time for a preordered item after I have put in the order is around 2-4 weeks(:
I will let you know once the item has arrived! NO DEAD BUYERS PLEASE. 
Meetups are only available on my convenience, but postage is preferred. 
Postage charges are applicable to the items, and prices will vary accordingly.
I accept only concealed cash(:
You can order your goods at this link:
So now, what are you waiting for! Hurry up and start shopping!
~May the flowers bloom!~
Cherry Blossom Blogshop

P.S. Anyone who insults and tarnishes my blogshop's reputation, I will not hesitate to BLACKLIST you.

Please do not disappear after you have ordered something, or I will not hesitate to blacklist you as well.
The fee to de-blacklist you is $4.

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